Elections can create an air of confusion and uncertainty. Who will be the next president? What will the next four years be like? Those are just two of the questions that float around people’s minds during long, drawn out election seasons. While we can sit and theorize the answers to all of these questions and more, there is one thing …
Survey Says! : Changes Coming in 2022
The current official horizontal and vertical datums of the National Spatial Reference System (NSRS) are NAD 83 and NAVD 88, respectively, commonly used among surveyors. However, over the near thirty-five years of both datums being used, many issues have been found. These issues are rooted in the fact that both datums are defined primarily by a network of passive geodetic …
Live, Work and Play in Asbury Point
We’ve talked before about the current trend of Live. Work. Play developments. Now we get to take this a step further and contribute to the planning of one! Asbury Park will be welcoming this new modern neighborhood, Asbury Point. Asbury Point will bring to fruition the vision of a forward-thinking owner, a progressive city and many talented design professionals. Asbury Point will …