Does Your Project Serve a Community Need, but the Town Disagrees?

Do you have an idea for a project that will benefit your community, but it is not permitted by the  town’s zoning ordinance? This was the case for one of our clients in Normandy Beach, Michael and Kim  Venutolo. After the community lost many of its traditional businesses during the coronavirus pandemic, the  Venutolos were inspired to bring life back to their community. There was only one problem: their  neighborhood was classified as a residential zone, and opening a small business would not be permitted.  Fortunately for Michael and Kim, members of their community strongly supported the idea. To show their support, many residents signed a petition in favor of the project. The decision was then made to present  their idea to the land use board.  

Here at WJH Engineering, we collaborated with the architect and the municipality to satisfy all  their requirements. WJH provided engineering and planning testimony, and even though there were several  variances with the application, including a use variance, the support from the community eventually helped  convince the board that approval should be granted. If you have an idea for a project but you are not sure  if it is permitted by the town’s zoning ordinance, contact WJH Engineering today!