claims professional tips

Top 7 Tips for Claims Professionals

As Forensic Engineers we are paid for our opinions and observations of sites, structures, properties, etc. We utilize our problem-solving methodology learned in college and honed through experience.

However, there are many “tools” or “tips” we use that non-Engineers can use as well, such as:

  1. Look at cracks in concrete- is there paint in them?  If so- they probably didn’t just occur.
  2. Are there previous repairs to a crack? A faint paint or spackle repair?  This, too may indicate it is not recent.
  3. Weather Underground. This site can be used to verify the amount of rain, snow or wind on any given day.  It can also be used to verify the temperature.
  4. The Saffir-Simpson Hurricane scale can be used to generally examine the extent of damage as it relates to wind speed.
  5. Efflorescence on a basement wall may be an indication of an ongoing groundwater or drainage issue.
  6. Are windows “fogged”?  This may indicate the seal has deteriorated due to age.
  7. Is there staining on attic floors and or rusted nails?  This may be a sign of condensation or moisture caused by poor ventilation.

Those are just a few of the items we look for.  If you have any questions on these tips, or just need our opinion on a claim- feel free to call 732-223-1313