Engineering ABCs: What is a “BMP”

When navigating New Jersey’s Department of Environmental Protection’s (NJDEP- an “Engineering ABC” in and of itself) stormwater rules, we often refer to “BMP’s”. This stands for Best Management Practices – which refers to methods to manage stormwater management. There are “non-structural methods” such as swales, and grading and site design techniques which reduce runoff. We use these during our site

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Engineering ABCs: What is G.P.S.?

The Global Positioning System (GPS) is one of the most important technological advancements of the modern era. Whether you’re using it to navigate through traffic on your smartphone, or relying on it for precise land surveys, GPS technology plays a central role in our daily lives. But how exactly does it work, and how do engineers and surveyors apply it

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How do Engineers Identify the Seasonal High-Water Table Outside of the Wet Season?

The Seasonal High-Water Table (SHWT) is the highest elevation in which groundwater rises to during the wet season. As Civil Engineers, we must ensure that our systems are installed above this seasonal high-water table. This ensures that sufficient recharge can be provided, and it protects our designs from structural damage throughout the year. But how do civil engineers determine where the

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Engineering ABCs: What is P.V.C.?

As civil engineers, we select piping materials for a wide range of applications and designs. The specific pipe material that is selected can significantly impact the cost, efficiency, and longevity of a project. Among the many options available, Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) pipes stand out for their durability, cost-effectiveness, and their ability to resist corrosion over time. Because of these properties,

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WJH Engineering Performs Due Diligence for Over 1,500 New Units in Q2

WJH Engineering is currently providing Due Diligence / Feasibility Services for over 1,500 residential units throughout the state of New Jersey. These services help to identify potential risks associated with a project, and they aid developers in making informed financial decisions before investing in properties. When performing due diligence on a project site, we typically begin by looking at the

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Engineering ABCs: What is D.I.P.?

If you’ve spent enough time in this industry, you’ve surely seen the acronym “D.I.P.” before. D.I.P. stands for ductile iron pipe, and it is often used for potable water transmission and distribution. D.I.P. is made of ductile cast iron, which undergoes a unique treatment process that gives it remarkable properties. Unlike traditional cast iron, ductile iron can withstand significant bending

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