Do April Showers Bring May Flowers?

Once April 1st comes around, many people know that it’s time to take their rain boots, umbrellas, and ponchos out of storage for the spring. The age-old saying “April showers bring May flowers” has been around for longer than you think. In fact, the phase originates from a short poem written by a man named Thomas Tussler, way back in the year 1157! However, this phrase raises the question: is April actually the wettest month of the year, or has the phrase been outdated in the near 1,000 years since its origin? As engineers, we are able to explore this question utilizing the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Annual Rainfall Data.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration works to understand and predict changes in climate, weather, oceans, and coasts. Civil Engineers utilize their precipitation estimates to determine the appropriate size for stormwater management facilities. According to data collected over the last 12 months, Morris County saw the highest rate of precipitation last year, with an average rainfall of 63.0 inches throughout the year (12.5 inches above average). Gloucester County saw the lowest precipitation rate, with an average rainfall of only 45.2 inches throughout the year (0.3 inches below average). Most of this rainfall did not come in the spring, however. According to historical data, precipitation rates peak state-wide in July, and they lower significantly in the winter. So, while the changing of the seasons in April does correspond with an increase of rainfall, it may be useful to hold onto those rain boots until the summertime.

Many members of our team here at WJH Engineering such as Nick Mazza, Cecilia Marchi, and Dominick Passante are experienced with designing stormwater management facilities that can manage stormwater runoff at all times of the year. If you are looking for an engineering firm that offers a wide range of engineering expertise, contact WJH Engineering today!